Skin and nail fungus screening and treatment

Fungal infection, especially on the nails, is a very common disease, and the number of cases is increasing worldwide. The “achievements” of our time, such as wearing closed, poorly ventilated shoes and non-ventilating nylon clothes all day long, as well as diseases arising from our “modern” lifestyle (circulation problems, diabetes, weakening of the immune system), excessive use of antibiotics, wearing artificial nails can all contribute. to the development of skin and nail fungus.

The skin fungus

Superficial fungal infection is a skin infection caused by various fungi. A fungal infection can develop anywhere on the skin. It is most common on the legs (athletes), in the bends, under the breasts and in the armpits.

General symptoms of skin and nail fungus:

  • inflammation
  • redness
  • itch
  • peeling
  • cracking

It is worth paying attention to the signs of our skin, because minor changes can be behind serious diseases. Be sure to consult a dermatologist if you notice any changes. During the medical consultation at our office, the dermatologist examines the affected skin surface, then takes a scraping of the epithelium or nail, from which he performs a culture test. Determine the appropriate treatment depending on the results obtained.

The nail fungus

The older someone is, the more likely it is that at least one nail is infected. The longer the infection lasts, the more discolored, thickened, ingrown and deformed the nail becomes. Fungal nails are difficult to cut. Men suffer from it more often than women.

What are the main causes of nail fungus?

  • Blood circulation problems, diabetes
  • Genetics (fungal infection often occurring in the family)
  • Sweat
  • High humidity or wet working environment
  • Wearing nylon socks, closed, non-ventilated shoes
  • Congestion of toes due to tight footwear
  • Use of swimming pools, gymnasiums and shared showers
  • Previous injury or infection of the skin or nail
  • Weakened immune system

What are the symptoms of a fungal nail infection?

An infected nail is usually thickened, brittle, brittle, distorted, dull, and darker or yellowish in color.

Skin and nail fungus screening and treatment

There are several ways to eliminate nail fungus:

  • Surface treatment – antifungal creams, ointments or varnishes
  • Oral medications – systemic therapy where the medication enters the bloodstream and thus the nails

How can nail fungus infections be prevented?

Prevention of nail fungus infections requires the observance of appropriate hand and foot care rules. Here are some suggestions:

  • Short, clean and dry nails
  • Wearing cotton socks to allow the skin to breathe properly
  • Proper sterility of manicure and pedicure salon tools
  • Avoiding wearing shoes that are too tight

You can read about the prices of the birthmark examination in the Prices menu item. You can make an appointment for a medical consultation by calling +36 30 5603 983 or by e-mail at