Mole examination

What is a birthmark?

A mole is a multi-colored (usually brown / black) change, a benign growth of our skin, it can be present at birth or it can appear later. Some of our moles are permanent, others may grow or disappear as the child grows. Most moles are harmless and do not require treatment.

Can moles be dangerous?

Melanoma is one of the most common malignant tumors today. The number of patients is constantly increasing, more than doubling in the last 20 years. Time is one of the most important factors in the treatment of melanoma, which is why it is recommended to have moles regularly examined by a dermatologist. If you see a change in any of your moles (e.g. changes in size, color, shape, itches, bleeds, develops suddenly, etc.), you should see a doctor immediately! Moles often develop cancerous changes. The skin is our only organ, the malignant changes of which can be detected at the earliest stage. Early detection and timely removal of melanoma is the best way to achieve the highest possible cure rate. In our office, birthmark examination is performed with a dermatoscope, a painless examination that allows the monitoring of birthmarks and acquired birthmarks. The dermatoscope is a magnifying device that enables examination of the pigment network structure at a magnification of 10-50 times.

Who is advised to have a regular birthmark examination?

Regular birthmark examination is recommended for all people, but it is especially important for those who:

  • family history of melanoma / other skin cancer
  • have had skin cancer before
  • it has a congenital, large, dark brown, hairy birthmark
  • you have several smaller birthmarks, especially if you received blue light treatment for jaundice after birth
  • he has many birthmarks
  • you notice that one/more of your moles have changed
  • your mole is regularly irritated / damaged (sports, clothing)
  • any mole causes some feeling or complaint
  • has a birthmark on a hidden part of the body (around the genitals, navel, ear canal, hairy scalp)
  • she has blonde / red hair
  • he has light blue/green eyes
  • suffered from childhood sunburn
  • he has white skin that burns easily and does not tan or is difficult to tan

What signs can warn of a malignant change in moles?

  • It begins to grow, its border changes, it begins to spread on the skin surface, it becomes prominent, it thickens.
  • Its shape becomes asymmetrical.
  • It changes color. Its pigmentation will be uneven: black, dark brown, light brown, bluish-gray, red, white shades may appear.
  • It starts to itch
  • He gets injured
  • He starts bleeding

How often is a birthmark examination necessary?

Generally, annually, but in the case of the presence of atypical birthmarks, it may be necessary to undergo a dermatoscopic examination supplemented with photo documentation every 3-6 months. Self-examination of moles is extremely important, which is recommended every 4-6 weeks after washing with a mirror and a comb. It is especially important to review hidden skin areas (e.g. bends, soles, between toes, hairy scalp).

You can read about the prices of the birthmark examination in the Prices menu item. You can make an appointment for a medical consultation by calling +36 30 5603 983 or by e-mail at